Tuesday, November 20, 2007

UFO lands at "Raysfield".
Now Dianne can fly as well !!
Good morning Officer !!?

Peter arrived at "Raysfield" the other morning to introduce his latest aircraft. A Hughes "Light Wing" . The only problem being that I could not fit his smile into the photo !! Best of luck with your new bird Pete . I hope you will have many enjoyable hours at the controls .

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Andy and I took a short flight down to Grantham recently. A great day for flying !! We departed "Raysfield" and landed on a private strip between the lucerne paddocks. All great fun !! Now isn`t the above photo a pretty sight. Andy can now even brag that he has had to slow down for somebody in the SuperCub !!

Friday, October 19, 2007

We had another sneak attack from "Hone`s Flying Circus" recently. Col and Sandra brought the CT while Phil and Steve arrived in the Auster !! Martin flew top cover in the RV-6. Boy these guys know how to have fun!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Bryce arrived bright and early on Monday morning in the Wolff Special . A beautiful day for flying. It`s always a pleasure to have friends drop in at Raysfield !!
Why not take her up for a run he says ?? Hmmmmm, what is a bloke going to say to an offer like that !! Sitting at the end of the runway I take a big swallow and push the throttle forward. Wow !! What a beautiful aircraft, light on the controls but beautifully balanced. A real credit to you Bryce. Thank you for trusting me with this outstanding machine . An experience I shall remember for a very long time !!!

Monday, October 01, 2007

We had a wonderful morning at Boonah recently. A great place to visit and terrific hospitality !!

Thanks "Flying Tigers" !!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Well, it has been a little while but as they say, from humble beginnings come great things !! So it is with wing rib #1 of the Hatz Classic biplane. Hopefully things will be a little more familiar this time around. All great fun !!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

We had a wonderful opportunity to attend a miniature warbird fly-in at Toowoomba recently. Boy !! Do these guys take there hobby seriously. These machines are scale replicas and the detail is outstanding !! The above shots do not do them justice. Most were around 100 inch wingspan with large petrol engines. They certainly looked sensational in flight !!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Another great flying adventure for "Raysfield". These shots show our group of sporting aviators gathering for a cuppa before we head off for a fun morning of social aviation !! Andy with his fabulous Corby ; John with his Jabaroo ; Bryce and the Wolff Special ; Ross with his Drifter and yours truly in the Karatoo. Flying with these guys is great fun and truly is what this homebuilding game should be all about !! Thanks Fellows.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

We recently had the morning down at Heck Field on the Gold Coast . A lovely lunch was supplied with a great opportunity to meet and chat with lots of friends. Hopefully we will be taking a trip on to Stradbroke Isl. in the not to distant future !! Makes all those hours of building the little Karatoo seem well and truly worthwhile !!

Friday, January 12, 2007

This morning saw several recreational aircraft drop in at "Raysfield". These surprise visits are always welcome with fellows arriving from Killarney , Toowoomba and the Clifton flying group. We all thoroughly enjoyed Ronnie displaying the Corby at it`s best with a spirited flypast!!