Monday, October 25, 2010

Beautiful sunshine greeted us as we made our way down to the Gold Coast for a fly-in at Heck Field.
After all the recent wet weather it was great to get out and about again !!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Beautiful weather greeted us for the Warwick Invitational fly-in this year.
A terrific venue with sealed runways and lovely grass tie-down areas.
I was even fortunate enough to be able to take a lovely old lady of the sky Tiger Moth VH- WHW for a fly. A boyhood dream come true. Thanks again chaps !!

Sunday, September 05, 2010

We are presently mid-season here at "Raysfield" with the runway now in stealth mode.
These rather astute fellows in the Piper Sport had no problem finding us however.
Would make a great turning point for your next navigation exercise !!

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Andy really enjoyed the day. Seen here with his immaculate Jabaroo !!

The Watts Bridge Festival of Flight is always an event not to be missed and this year was no exception .
Some wonderful vintage aircraft and lots of friends to catch up with.
Who could ask for more !!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Ross packs everything on board the Drifter for his trip up to the Monto regional fly-in.
If you look closely I am sure you will even see the kitchen sink !!
The happy group at Monto enjoyed the event but boy was it cold !!
And yes that is ice on the wings of the Karatoo. Brrrrrr !!

I was given the wonderful opportunity of taking a demonstration flight with Anton , the Australian : New-Zealand distributor for the Piper Sport line of aircraft.
I would have to say one of the nicest machines I have ever had the privilege of flying.
Thanks again Anton. I will now have to set about and find more room in the hangar !!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

So here we have the very latest in winter open cockpit Spacewalker flying apparel as modeled by our good friend Chris.
If you look really hard you will find her in there somewhere !!
First class all the way !!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We had a fantastic morning at "RaysField" on Saturday with the local EAA chapter members arriving for a fly-in morning tea. The weather was superb with some exciting aircraft on the field. All great fun!!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

We were shown some great country hospatality by the guys and girls of the Dubbo Royal Flying Doctor Service. They even wanted to commandeer our aircraft for medical rescue work !!

We had a fantastic trip down to Nat-fly Temora 2010.
Lots of different aircraft to see and renew old friendships.
15 hours return trip and the little Karatoo didn`t miss a beat. All great fun!!